We will restrict our discussions to primarily one-dimensional members (in reality these are three-
dimensional structural members, but the other two dimensions are relatively much smaller). When the
loading on such a member is on a plane same as the member itself, we call it a two-dimensional (planar)
case (see Figure 2.3a for example). In such cases, the internal forces also lie on the same plane. The
internal forces on any cross-section can be expressed with two orthogonal force components and one
moment in the plane of loading ( , , M in Figure 2.3b). We can align x -axis along the centroidal axis
of the member and we can also align one of the forces, let's say , along this centroidal axis (along the
primary dimension). Then this internal force will be known as the axial force (Figure 2.3c). In general, we
consider an internal surface perpendicular to the centroidal axis (transverse cross-section, also called the yz-
plane or x-plane ). Then the other force component acts tangentially to this surface and it is known as
the shear force . The internal moment, which is acting on the transverse cross-section, is known as the
bending moment .
Axial force, shear force and bending moment on a cross-section of a two-dimensional
(planar) system
orthogonal force components and three orthogonal moment components on an internal surface (Figures 2.4
a & b).
We align the centroidal axis of the member along, say, x -axis, and consider an internal surface
perpendicular to it (Figures 2.4c). Then is the axial force and and are the two shear forces .
Moments and are the two bending moments . The moment is known as torsion . This set of
forces is the most generic case of internal forces for such structural members.
Axial force, two shear forces and two bending moments for three-dimensional
Note that these internal forces are defined according to their orientation respective to the structural
member. The axial force acts along the centroidal axis of the member. The shear forces act in a plane which
is perpendicular to this centroidal axis and the bending moments act along directions perpendicular to this
axis as well. The torsion acts along the centroidal axis.
The sign convention for internal forces depends on the internal surface on which these forces are being
considered. So, we need to define the internal surface first. Let us assume that the centroidal axis of a
longitudinal structural member is aligned along the x -axis, and we consider the internal forces on an x-
plane (or x-surface ). If this cross-section is facing positive x -direction, then it is called a positive x -
surface, and vice-versa. Figures 2.5a & b show the positive internal forces on positive and negative x -
surfaces, respectively.
Direction of positive internal forces on a positive x -surface (a) and a negative x -
surface (b)
This sign convention is followed throughout this course and relations involving these forces (and other
parameters, such as stresses and deformations) are derived based on this sign convention. It will not be
illogical to adopt any other sign convention for internal forces. However, in that case one will have to develop the equations involving these forces independently following the new sign convention.
Let us restrict our discussion to planer loading (that is, two-dimensional) cases with no torsion. For an
internal segment of a member, we can show the internal forces both on the positive and the negative
internal surfaces. Positive directions for each internal force (an axial force, a shear force and a bending
moment) are shown individually in Figure 2.6. This is an easy and standard way of defining sign conventions
for two-dimensional cases, and students are encouraged to define (for each specific case) their adopted sign
convention similarly.
Notations that we follow for these internal forces are: P for axial force, V for shear force, and M for bending
moment. However, please note that in a three-dimensional case, we need suffixes to distinguish between
the two shear forces and also between the two bending moments. General notation for torsion is T .
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